Phi Delta Chi is proud to be partner with Feeding South Florida whose primary goal is to end hunger in South Florida…
Tag: College of Pharmacy
NSU Interprofessional Health Screening Held in Miramar
College of Pharmacy students came together for second annual St. Bartholomew Health Fair…
College of Pharmacy to Host Medical Marijuana Debate (Oct. 21)
(Oct. 21)…Learn more about Florida’s proposed Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative…
NSU Pharmacy Student Receives National Scholarship
Farima Fakheri Raof, a student at NSU’s College of Pharmacy to receive the Glorida Francke scholarship…
Nova Southeastern University Pharmacy Professor Earns Prestigious Fellowship
Barry Bleidt, Ph.D., Pharm.D., R.Ph., a professor in the Sociobehavioral and Administrative Pharmacy Department, was elected as a fellow of the American Pharmacists Association’s Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science.
NSU Sixteenth Annual Student Life Achievement Awards (STUEYS)–Congratulations to this year’s nominees
(Tickets available now)…NSU will soon be recognizing its finest during the glitz and glamour of the 16th Annual…
NSU Researcher Discovers Certain ARB Drugs Are More Effective Than Others at Treating Heart Failure
Anastasios Lymperopoulos, Ph.D., F.A.H.A., assistant professor of pharmacology at NSU’s College of Pharmacy, along with his research team, conducted the study…
NSU College of Pharmacy Assistant Dean Appointed to Florida Board of Pharmacy
Goar Alvarez, Pharm.D., C.Ph., FASCP, assistant dean of the Nova Southeastern University (NSU) College of Pharmacy, was appointed by Gov. Rick Scott to the Florida Board of Pharmacy.
NSU Biology Students Inducted into National Honor Society
The Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences hosted NSU’s 12th annual induction ceremony for Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta), the national biological honor society,…
Faculty Lecture Looks at ‘Good and Evil in Arab Spring’
(Thurs., Oct. 17) The Faculty Lecture Series will discuss the Arab Spring and explore the arguably good and evil forces on both sides of the uprisings…