SLCE is providing opportunities to engage in direct service in another community this semester. This semester’s SAS trips include Jacksonville and…
Author: Kristel Tiwari
Professor in NSU’s College of Psychology Earns Prestigious Award
Dr. Mark Sobell is an internationally distinguished clinical scientist who has made significant and continuing contributions to the addictions field for more than 40 years…
Fall Volunteer Fair
(Wed., Sept. 9)… To get more involved around campus and the community, check out the volunteer fair in the UC Spine on…
College of Psychology Professor Keynote Speaker at Texas Sympoisum
Dr. Poland’s presentation was titled, “Suicide Safer School!” and addressed the incidence of youth suicide and how it requires school and community collaboration to increase prevention efforts…
Shark Day of Service
(Aug., 29)…To get involved in the very first service day this Saturday, register on OrgSync…
Over 100 Students Inducted into Undergraduate Honors Program
The Honors Program promotes academic excellence, campus and civic leadership and engagement, and the pursuit of professional goals by offering special coursework…
CAHSS Doctoral Student Presents at the University of the West Indies Conference
Henry-Campbell’s presentation was titled, “Transforming the Profile of Caribbean HRD: Building Global Organizations Locally-Protocols of Transformation”…
CAHSS Graduate was Featured Keynote Performer and Speaker at the 7th Annual Millennium Campus Conference at the United Nations
The Annual Millennium Campus Conference hosts student leaders and world leaders from over 50 countries to collaborate on ways to aid global development…
CAHSS Announces an Exciting 2015-2016 Season of the Arts
The Department of Performing and Visual Arts has announced an exciting schedule for the 2015-2016 Season of the Arts. This year marks the 10th anniversary of NSU Theatre…
Tools for Success Workshops
(Nov. 17)…Join Student Success as they host the last workshop of 2015 on stress management…