(Oct. 28, 29, 30, 31)… Join Alvin Sherman Library’s for the 20th Semi-Annual Used Book Sale…
Tag: Faculty
Intramural Volleyball and Softball
(Registration: Now through Oct. 23)…If you are interested in playing Intramural Softball or Volleyball, don’t forget to register on…
Nova Southeastern University Is Now on Google Maps’ Street View
Using Google’s Street View, prospective students can now see our campus no matter where in the country or world…
New Honors Students Earn Scholarship Award During First Week of Semester
The 2015–2016 First-Week Scholarship recipients are Samir Nacer, Kiersten Monahan, Kayleigh Sabo, Juanita Castro, Christy Abraham, Vanessa Blanchard, Kayla Alvarez, Aimee Gysegem, Keerthi Thallapureddy, and Chase Gaiefsky…
Diversity Dialouges
(Tues., Oct. 6)…Every first Tuesday of the month there will be a different topic discussed and everyone is welcome to attend…
Learn Skills That Can Save a Life
If you are interested in becoming a lifeguard, water safety instructor or just want to learn necessary skills such as CPR/AED/First Aid, then NSU Aquatics is hosting certification classes on…
Intramural Flag Football
(SIgn-up today)…Winners receive one free team for the regular flag football season…
NSU College of Health Care Sciences Team Raises Nearly $5,000 for the Multiple Sclerosis Society
On March 7-8, a faculty, staff, and student team of CHCS participated in the MS 150 Bike Ride to…
Diversity Dialogues
(Tues., Feb. 3)… Diversity Dialogues are back for the Winter! Bring your lunch to the discussion on the first Tuesday of each month…
What do you think of the RecPlex?
The Office of Campus Recreation would like to invite you to take part in a focus group to share your feedback, suggestions, and concerns about…