Scott Poland, Ed.D., a professor in the College of Psychology and the Co-Director of NSU’s Suicide and Violence Prevention Office, recently completed two film
Tag: College of Psychology
New Honors Students Earn Scholarship Award During First Week of Semester
The 2015–2016 First-Week Scholarship recipients are Samir Nacer, Kiersten Monahan, Kayleigh Sabo, Juanita Castro, Christy Abraham, Vanessa Blanchard, Kayla Alvarez, Aimee Gysegem, Keerthi Thallapureddy, and Chase Gaiefsky…
College of Psychology Faculty Host Reception for Undergraduate Students
The event was the first formal opportunity for undergraduate and graduate faculty to welcome all undergraduate students in behavioral neuroscience and psychology…
College of Psychology Professor Keynote Speaker at Texas Sympoisum
Dr. Poland’s presentation was titled, “Suicide Safer School!” and addressed the incidence of youth suicide and how it requires school and community collaboration to increase prevention efforts…