The International Business Student Association from the Wayne H. Huizenga College of Business the Africa Working Group from the College of Arts, Humanities and Science and Student Meditation Services at Nova Southeastern University were honored to host His Excellency, Ambassador Samson Itegboje DPR of Nigeria to the United Nations at the Business School on Saturday, April 28th, 2018. The event started with a brief fashion show of African dresses, followed by the Ambassador’s speech and a Question and Answer session.
The ambassador provided a brief history of Nigeria, followed by a summary of progress made in Nigeria under the new government in the past two years. He then focused on specific economic opportunities for growth in Nigeria including agricultural products, telecommunication and other sectors of the economy. He also referenced the progress made in battling corruption and internal strife in Nigeria, as well as the contribution that Nigeria makes to helping neighboring countries to reduce conflict.
As the largest country in Africa in terms of population and one of the fastest growing economies in the world, Nigeria represents a land of opportunity for businesses and investors. The country has seen almost a 50% growth in foreign direct investment under the new regime, which is a reflection of the efforts to reduce corruption and bring stability to a historically volatile region.
The event was well attended by students, faculty and members of the wider community and the Ambassador was able to show the progress that has been made in a short time in Nigeria. The timing of the visit was particularly beneficial, because two days later, on Monday, April 30th, 2018 the White House announced that the President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari will be the first official from an African state to be received by President Trump. The Nigerian President arrived in DC on Sunday ahead of a four day working visit where he will be discussing economic and military cooperation between the US and Nigeria, and the business opportunities that the President will discuss mirror the investment and trade opportunities mentioned in the speech given by the Nigerian Ambassador.
It was a great honor and privilege to host His Excellency Ambassador Samson Itegboje and the students benefited greatly from his presence. We thank him and his staff for the visit.