Professor Marilyn Cane’s article Recent Developments Concerning Preferred Stockholder Rights Under Delaware Law (5 Virginia Law & Business Review 377 – Winter 2011) was recently listed on Social Science Research Network’s (SSRN) Top Ten Download list. The article focuses on the conflicting duties owed to preferred and common stockholders.
She co-authored the article with former Law Center students Joong-Sik Choi and Scott R. Gitterman.
Cane has taught at NSU for over 25 years and serves as a director of the Business Practice Clinic. Author of a treatise on securities arbitration, her scholarship has appeared in law journals at Harvard, Stanford, Virginia and Vanderbilt, among others. She is a former Chair of the Corporations, Securities and Financial Institutions Committee, and currently serves as Academic Chair of the Antitrust, Franchise and Trade Regulation Committee of The Florida Bar Business Law Section. She is also a member of The American Law Institute and a Fellow of The American Bar Foundation. She was a Parsons’ Fellow at the University of Sydney, Faculty of Law. She also taught law in Cambridge, England; Tula, Russian Federation; and in Rome, Italy.