Nova Southeastern University (NSU) President George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D., recently announced the appointment of Eric S. Ackerman, Ph.D., as dean of NSU’s Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences (SCIS). Ackerman, who has served as associate dean and assistant dean with SCIS since 2000, has been serving in the role of interim dean of the college since January, 2012.
“Dean Ackerman has a proven track record of success in creating new initiatives, shoring up morale with students, faculty and staff, and an unwavering dedication to making NSU the premiere university to pursue a graduate degree in computer sciences,” said President Hanbury of Nova Southeastern University.
Dean Ackerman remains an active professor, teaching courses in Java programming to graduate-level and doctoral students both online and in the classroom. Ackerman’s key research areas include: management information systems, project management, computer space hardware design, and microgravity research.
“In this era of rapid technological growth, each new day brings demands for increased proficiencies of those whose professions involve computers and information technology,” said Dean Eric Ackerman. “NSU’s graduates are creating computer/software products and information systems, teaching computing, using computing technology in education and training, managing computing resources, and conducting research. We understand that it is our responsibility to offer programs that are timely and provide an enduring foundation for future professional growth.”
Ackerman has been active in the engineering and information sciences field for over 25 years. His experience includes teaching engineering/information science courses, managing academic programs and consulting on educational and industrial engineering initiatives. He has been involved in numerous engineering projects including designing space hardware that has flown on the Space Shuttle. Ackerman is a senior member of IEEE and has received various IEEE section, council and regional awards including the Region 3 IEEE-USA Regional Professional Leadership award. He is also a member of ACM, ASEE, AIS, AIAA, and Upsilon Pi Epsilon.
Active both in the classroom and the community, Ackerman is currently Vice President of Career and Member Services for IEEE-USA; President of the South Florida InfraGard Chapter; board member of NSU’s Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center; and Project Director for NSU’s Emil Buehler Research Center for Engineering, Science and Mathematics.