Magic Leap is made up of an eclectic group of people who share a magical vision of the future, and they’re growing!
Author: NSU Student Marketing
Letting Go Lets The Healing In – Apr. 2
Irit Schaffer, author of Good Blood: A Journey of Healing, returns to Nova Southeastern University, for her talk “Letting Go Lets the Healing In.” Book sale and signing will follow.
Celebrate National Library Week with the NSU Libraries at the UC Takeover (Apr. 11)
Join the NSU Libraries as we celebrate National Library Week during our annual UC Takeover!
Escalation: Examining the Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship (Apr. 11)
Could you spot the signs of an unhealthy relationship. Would you recognize intimate partner abuse?
27th Used Book Sale – Apr. 11-13
The Alvin Sherman Library will host its 27th Semi-Annual Book Sale from Wednesday, April 10 – Saturday, April 13, 2019.
Pre-Health Personal Statement Workshop – Apr. 11
Applying this summer to your dream pre-health programs? Learn strategies to put all of your hard work into an inviting and competitive statement. Thursday,
Hands on a Public Safety Car Contest – Apr. 12
April 12 – Kappa Sigma’s newest contest is a philanthropy event where all proceeds will be donated to The Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign.
NSU’s 5th Annual Pre-Health Day
Are you interested in a healthcare profession?
Razor’s Career Closet – Dress to Impress
Free professional clothing!
Earth Day of Service – Apr. 14
In honor of Earth Day, we will be volunteering with Heal the Planet Day in Ft. Lauderdale.