A walk for the prevention of suicide will be held at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) on Sunday, Nov. 20. The Out of the Darkness Community Walk will benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in its mission to prevent suicide and assist those affected by suicide. NSU’s Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority has raised more than $40,000 to date to assist with suicide awareness. Please join us in the support of this event. The Walk start at 9:00 am. Registration will begin at 8:00 am. For more information, registration or donations for the Out of the Darkness Community Walk at NSU, visit www.outofthedarkness.org or call 954-262-7482.
Register and donate today at outofthedarkness.org
For more information (954) 262-7482.
This event is supported by Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority and Nova Southeastern University.