Tools for Success

Tools for Success - Fall 2014 - banner

Tools for Success is a series of workshops designed to assist students in adapting to university life and ultimately achieving degree completion. Attend these workshops throughout the fall: 

Sept. 3
NSU G.P.S. (Going Places for Success)/Goal Setting
This workshop will address why setting goals are important, while discovering the various on campus resources to help you succeed.

Sept. 10
Success Strategies for On-Line Courses
This workshop will help show you how to use the library to find quality information when researching a topic.  Learn where to find information, how to evaluate the information that you find, and how to use information ethically by citing your sources and avoiding plagiarism.

Sept. 17
Undergraduate Student Success Fair
Interact with representatives from numerous student support offices that will help you succeed at NSU. The Undergraduate Student Success Fair is from 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m., Carl DeSantis Building, Atrium.

Sept. 24
Academic Integrity and Your Success
A panel of NSU professors will provide information about the University’s policy on Academic Misconduct and how it affects your success.  The workshop will conclude with a question and answer session.

Oct. 1
Honing Your Writing Skills
After attending this informative session about academic writing, you will be aware of the tools needed to begin the writing process, select the appropriate format, and choose the right language.

Oct. 8
Winning at Math
This interactive workshop will empower and promote active learning and success for students enrolled in MATH 1000, 1030, and/or 1040. You will receive guidance, gain success strategies, and learn techniques that will result in becoming a “winner at math.”

Oct. 22
Strengthening Your Library Skills
This workshop will help show you how to use the library to find quality information when researching a topic.  Learn where to find information, how to evaluate the information that you find, and how to use information ethically by citing your sources and avoiding plagiarism.

Oct. 29
Time Management: Juggling School, Work, and Life
Learn various resources to assist you in managing your time efficiently and effectively. You will develop an awareness of time management tools and techniques that are essential to success in all aspects of life.

Nov. 5
Library Services You Should Know
This workshop will identify library services and tools that successful students should know in order to get the most out of their library.  Learn how to contact a Librarian for research guidance, where to find guides with research tips and recommendations, and where to view short videos demonstrating how to use the library.

Nov. 12
Career Exploration
Learn more about your personality style and how it plays a role in career exploration.  The Career Development Office team will also discuss valuable tools and resources available to help you discover your career path.

Nov. 19
Study Skills and Learning Styles
This workshop will help you understand your learning style and how this impact the study strategies you may want to utilize as you prepare for exams. You will also explore how to approach different types of tests and the actual test-taking process.

Dec. 3
Stress Management
Become aware of different strategies to identify and manage typical stressors.  You will learn how to apply a range of stress reduction techniques to your everyday life.

For more information, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Student Success at (954) 262-8386 or visit


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