(Eat Your Heart Out, Shark Week.) Did you see Razor’s transformation? After drinking a vial of “M.A.K.O. Formula” (Mighty Altering Kinetic Organism) from the
Tag: NSU Homecoming
The 28th Annual “Anything That Floats” Raft Race (Submit Designs NOW!)
Register for the 28th Annual “Anything that Floats” Raft Race taking place November 5, 2019!
Interested in Being a Part of the 2019-2020 Homecoming Court?
Interested in being a part of the homecoming court? The 2019-2020 Homecoming Court will consist of 18 selected students to represent Nova Southeastern
NSU Homecoming 2018
Homecoming is here! The week of celebration ends November 10, 2018.