Attend this event to network with people in the legal and criminal justice field!
Tag: handshake
Utilizing Technology for Career Success (Mar 13) (Hybrid)
Join us to learn how technology is integrated within your career field.
Jaws Session (Hybrid) Starship Technolgies (Feb 19)
Check out this upcoming workshop for Starship Technologies!
Will You Be My Resume? (Feb 5)
Gain valuable feedback on your resume from NSU’s resume experts!
I Attended The Recruit A Shark Career Fair…Now What?! (Feb 13)
Join CAPS in a hybrid workshop for guidance on how to follow up effectively!
4th Annual Pics, Tips and Outfits With CAPS: Career Fair Edition (Jan 23)
Attend this event for a free professional headshot and career advising.
Do’s, Don’ts & Donuts – Career Fair Edition (Jan 28)
Attend this event for free donuts and advice on how to stand out at the upcoming career fair!
Recruit a Shark Career Fair (Feb 11)
Register for the annual Recruit a Shark Career Fair!
Jaws Session (Virtual) Career Source Broward (Nov 20)
Come learn about the CSBD Internship Program through CareerSource Broward.
SEAS Session: Intro to Student Employment JLD and Community Service Programs (Hybrid) (Oct 23)
Join us to learn more about our JLD employers and how you can get involved in Off-Campus FWS Community Service opportunities.