ASHFoundation hosted its second annual virtual 5k walk/run race.
Tag: Department of Speech-Language Pathology
Aimee Aranguren Honored as Jefferson Health Humanitarian Award Hero
Aimee Aranguren was honored as a recipient of the Jefferson Health Humanitarian Hero Award- Magee’s Healthcare Hero.
Rachel Edrich Awarded the Make the Most of the Dash and Ashley Kaye Hess Changing Lives Scholarship
Rachel Edrich, B.A., 2021 winner of the “Make the Most of the Dash” and Ashley Hess legacy scholarship.
NSU Alumnus Catches the Love
NSU’s Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) program alumnae, Lauren Tome, M.S., CCC/SLP, was featured in Joe DiMaggio Children’s hospital “Catch the Love this Season” as they celebrate those who have hands that heal and hearts that care.
Congratulations to Early Career Professional Certificate Recipients
Krista Hadeed and Samantha Novick were awarded the 2020 Distinguished Early Career Professional Certificate by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
SLP Alum Recipient of the WPLG Local 10 LIFEchanger Award
SLP is excited to acknowledge alumnus Samantha Novick, who was the recipient of the WPLG Local 10 LIFEchanger Award.
A Voice for the Non-Traditional Podcaset
Two recent M.S.-SLP graduates, Kelly Thompson and Amber Banks, both of Kentucky, were recently interviewed on Sunshine Speechie podcaset, about their experience as non-traditional students while obtaining their M.S.-Speech-Language Pathology degree from NSU’s Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Healthcare Sciences.
The Speech-Language Pathology Clinic
The Department of Speech-Language Pathology is offering accent modification services to NSU faculty and students at the Speech-Language Pathology Clinic . It is located on…