All Fins In is the Ultimate Service Project to make a united impact on the community.
Tag: community
Emerging Leaders Experience (Apply Now)
ELE is a two-part series designed to help you maximize your leadership style in a new and fun way.
Student Care Team, Now Recruiting Community Care Coaches
The Student Care Team is currently looking for a group of dedicated students to become Community Care Coaches for 2020-2021 to help create a
Become a Sharks and Service Site Leader (Applications Open)
Be the connection between NSU and the world. Sign up to be a site leader today!
Sharks And Service (SAS) Trips (Winter 2020)
Sharks and Service (SAS) will be taking NSU students on trips throughout the continent to volunteer and spend time in other communities.
NSU Relief Efforts for Ecuador
Students, faculty, and staff at NSU will be organizing a food and clothing donation drive to assist the victims of the tragic earthquake that
Join SLCE for Sharks and Service (SAS) Trips
SLCE is providing opportunities to engage in direct service in another community this semester. This semester’s SAS trips include Jacksonville and…
Fall Volunteer Fair
(Wed., Sept. 9)… To get more involved around campus and the community, check out the volunteer fair in the UC Spine on…
NSU Service Trips
(Through Oct. 22) Are you interested in serving the needs of communities in Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Key West, New Orleans or Jamaica? Attend an informational session and join us on upcoming NSU Service Trip…
NSU Community Invited to Tour the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Mobile Vet Center
(Wed., Jan. 23)…Mobile Vet Center Service is designed to increase access to counseling services for…