Memorial Service for Rojeana Auriel Hall
Sunday, October 28, 2012
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Arena at the Don Taft University Center
In the early morning hours of October 14th, NSU student Rojeana Auriel Hall passed away after battling Cystic Fibrosis for 19 years. Auriel was a Sophomore Business Administration major. She was a sister of the Beta Tau chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon, a Student Ambassador for Undergraduate Admissions, a member of the Caribbean Student Association, and a photographer for the Office of Student Media and Information. Auriel was an exuberant young woman who impacted so many people during her life, and even still in her passing.
The sisters of Delta Phi Epsilon have collaborated with Nova Southeastern University to host a memorial service to celebrate Auriel’s life. We would like to extend an invitation to all students, faculty, and administration of NSU, as well as the South Florida community who have been touched by her story.
The memorial service will be held Sunday, October 28th from 4-5 p.m. in the Arena at the Don Taft University Center on Nova Southeastern University’s main campus. We appreciate the outpouring of support and look forward to celebrating Auriel’s life with you at the memorial. Attire for the event is semiformal.
A fund has been setup to help her family cover medical costs and the cost of the funeral if you are interested in donating, or spreading the word, please visit http://www.gofundme.com/RojeanaAurielHall
For more information, please contact Lindsay Wright, of NSU’s Delta Phi Epsilon sorority, at lw766@nova.edu.