Jennifer, in order to reach online students, our office has a sharklink page with resources available. Access sharklink and where it says “subscribe to a layout” subscribe to “undergrad career resources”. This will provide you with access to resume handouts and much more. If there is a particular employer you are interested in, we are always willing to share handouts and information from sessions by request to If you are at an SEC, we bring employers during the year, and you can also request a video conference of our events. If you any more questions please call us at 954-262-7201.
For those of us who are distance learners, are there any meetings, information sessions or opportunities online?
Dear Jennifer,
we have informed Career Development Office of your inquiry. Someone from the Career Office will contact/respond to your question.
Jennifer, in order to reach online students, our office has a sharklink page with resources available. Access sharklink and where it says “subscribe to a layout” subscribe to “undergrad career resources”. This will provide you with access to resume handouts and much more. If there is a particular employer you are interested in, we are always willing to share handouts and information from sessions by request to If you are at an SEC, we bring employers during the year, and you can also request a video conference of our events. If you any more questions please call us at 954-262-7201.
Thank you so much for the quick response, for I shall look into your suggestion. Have a great day!