Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences’ Physical Assistant Program – Fort Lauderdale Wins Ethics Bowl 2019 Competition
By Pamela Jaffey, M.D., FCAP

The ethics bowl competition of 2019, which was held on March 27, was a thrilling event. Over eleven ethics bowl teams from the NSU Health Professions Division competed. Two opposing teams were challenged with provocative questions about medical scenarios with ethical dilemmas. There was a volley of articulate responses while the audience watched with great anticipation. After a simulated drum roll, the winners were announced, and the exciting match was over. The win was often by only a small margin.

From left, PA class of 2020 students, Amanda Lange, Nicole Sultan, Hannah Patterson, Alexandrea Rekas, and Jessa Richards.
After the first match, students, faculty, moderators, and judges all joined together in an auditorium, which was overflowing with people. A contest was then held between programs in the HPD to see which one could show the most support for their ethics bowl team. The coveted prize was an ice cream social. As each program was called, there was flashing of signs accompanied by exuberant cheering and clapping. Some students even donned shark costumes. A good time was shared by all.
As the evening wore on, the teams grew tired, but continued to fight hard. Victory came to PA Fort Lauderdale, while AA Fort Lauderdale finished second, and PT Fort Lauderdale finished third.
Pamela Jaffey is an associate professor in the Physician Assistant Program—Fort Lauderdale.