Each spring, NSU’s Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences recognizes one full-time and one part-time faculty member as its outstanding teachers of the year, honoring their strong commitment to learning and student success. These awards reflect the endorsement and support of peers and students. Congratulations to the following college faculty members.
—Pradeep Vanguri, Ph.D., associate professor and coordinator of athletic training at clinical site, has received the 2013 NSU’s Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Full-Time Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award.
As a component of this prestigious honor, Vanguri is invited to represent all faculty members in welcoming students to the 2013 Convocation ceremony at NSU on Thursday, Aug. 22.
—Danielle Wancier, M.F.A., adjunct professor, has received the 2013 NSU’s Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Part-Time Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award.
Professor of the Year Award
In 2012, the college established an annual award honoring an outstanding senior faculty member. The award is presented to a faculty member at the rank of full professor with at least 10 years of full-time teaching experience at NSU, a sustained record of scholarship, and a portfolio demonstrating excellence in teaching.
—Fuzhen Zhang, Ph.D., professor, has been named the 2013 NSU’s Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of the Year.
Zhang is the author of multiple books on mathematical topics such as matrices and linear algebra. Over the years, his journal articles have been cited by thousands of researchers from a variety of fields.
With this honor, Zhang also becomes the college’s nominee for the President’s NSU Distinguished Professor of the Year award.