Free Event
Who: NSU Multicultural Affairs Committee (MAC) and Office of Professional Development and Education
What: Diversity Round-table Discussions: Cultural Competence
When: Monday, April 5, 12:10 p.m. – 12:55 p.m.
Why: We have defined the Diversity Roundtable Discussions (DRD) as an open roundtable interprofessional discussion to listen while withholding judgment, reassess one’s own perspective, and interact in a variety of cultural contexts often requiring humility.
- provide an open, interprofessional roundtable discussion to listen while withholding judgment about new or unfamiliar topics
- interact with colleagues respectfully and appropriately in a variety of cultural contexts
- reassess one’s own perspective when appropriate—a process that frequently requires courage and humility
Where: Via Zoom:
URL for more information:
Please contact Elizabeth Swann, for any questions or concerns.