Always wanted to learn how to scuba dive? Or, if you are a diver, would you like to refresh your skills? If so, now’s the time. The Nova Southeastern University Academic Diving Program (NSUADP) is offering it’s 6-week PADI Open Water Diver scuba certification course beginning January 14, 2013. Classes meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00pm to 10:00pm. Open water checkout dives are on February 23 and 24 (weather permitting); just in time to be certified before Spring Break.
If you are already a diver and it has been a while since you have been diving, then consider a scuba refresher with the NSUADP. Our scuba refresher course can be done either in the pool only or in the pool plus a two-tank dive trip. Scuba refreshers are arranged by request.
For more information on scuba classes contact Tec Clark, Assistant Director for Scuba Instruction and Development at or call (954) 262-7042.