Kappa Sigma Benefit Dinner for Veterans

November 18, 2010
7:00 p.m.
Carl DeSantis Building, Atrium

The Omicron Eta Chapter of Kappa Sigma will be hosting a benefit dinner to raise money for the fisher house on November 18 at the Carl Desantis building. The dinner will include speeches and presentations from current veterans and will have other veterans in attendance as well. Our hope is to raise more than 300.00 and meet our goal of 2,000 raised for Military Hero’s Campaign which is Kappa Sigma National Philanthropy. The Military Hero’s Campaign helps the Fisher House built houses and programs for returning troops who need our help.  So far the chapter as raised 1,250.00 for Military Heros Campaign and after this dinner hopes to have raised over 2,000 this semester. So please come out and support, tickets are only $10.00.

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