FBI Employer Information Session (Hybrid) (Oct. 19)

The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) will be hosting a HYBRID information session on campus and virtually to showcase some great career opportunities they have available for NSU students. On Wednesday, October 19, come learn about their Honors Internship program and collegiate Hiring Initiatives (entry level/recent graduate) to see how you can boost your career path alongside this well known agency.

When: October 19, 2022

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 

Where: Zoom or Mailman-Hollywood Building Room 309

Zoom link: https://nova.zoom.us/j/99443251831?pwd=UXZXaWF2RUY3Q1pHeHNxdTNBQzg4QT09&from=addon

Register on handshake to join us on Zoom or in the Mailman-Hollywood Building (Cortex Labs- Room 309) 

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