Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences
Department of Health Care Science
Emergency Public Health Responder, Polio Response Tanzania

John Saindon, D.H.Sc., Ph.D., graduated from Nova Southeastern University’s College of Health Care Science with dual degrees of Doctor of Health Science D.H.Sc. (2010), and Ph.D. of Health Science (2017).
Since graduating, Saindon has supported numerous emergency public health responses across the globe to include Ebola virus, Hepatitis, COVID-19, Operation Allies Welcome (vulnerable Afghan refugees), and most recently a Polio response in East Africa.
During the month of March 2022, Saindon provided public health technical assistance to the Government of Tanzania as they prepared for and conducted a mass vaccination campaign of children under 5 years old in designated high-risk regions. Over a four-day period, Tanzania vaccinated over 1 million children in high-risk regions.