Electives for Fall 2021 Semester

Electives for Fall 2021 Semester

The Undergraduate Student Government Association (USGA) holds an Electives fair for students every semester but due to the pandemic, we could not do that this semester. In place of the fair, we have provided a list of electives broken down by the departments they fall under.  A class counts as an elective as long as the class is not required or applicable to your major or minor.

Department of Computing & Department of Engineering (CSIS & TECH)

  • (CSIS 1800) Introduction to Computer and Information Sciences,
  • (CSIS 2101) Fundamentals of Computer Programming
  • (CSIS 30230 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Computers
  • (TECH 1110) Technology in the Information Age
  • (TECH 2010) Excel at Spreadsheets
  • (TECH 2020) Programming for Everyone
  • (TECH 3100) Introduction to Data Science

Department of Conflict Resolution Studies & National Security Affairs and International Relations (SCOL)

  • (SOCL 2100) Sociology of Sexuality
  • (SOCL 3150) Social Movements
  • (SOCL 2100) Sociology of Sexuality
  • (SOCL 3500) Race and Ethnicity in the US
  • (SOCL 3600) Environmental Sociology

Department of Humanities and Politics(FILM, HIST, HUMN, INST, LITR, LGST, PHIL, POLS, SPAN)


  • (FILM 2000) Intro to Film
  • (FILM 3050) Literature and Film
  • (FREN 2020) Intermediate French I
  • (GEST 2050) Introduction to Gender Studies
  • (HIST 2400) African History
  • (HIST 3420) Irish History
  • (HIST 3550) American Transformed: Slavery, Populism, and Empire
  • (HUMN 2200) Introduction to Medical Humanities
  • (HUMN 2350) Introduction to Folklore
  • (HUMN 4100) Death and Dying
  • (LGST 4270) Judicial Politics and Process
  • (LGST 4310) Individual Rights and the Law
  • (LITR 2110) Detective Fiction
  • (LITR 2130) Contemporary Memoir
  • (LITR 3060) History and Structure of the English Language
  • (LITR 3500) Literature and Medicine
  • (LITR 3520) African American Literature
  • (LITR 3630) Studies in the Novel
  • (PHIL 3200) Ethics and Sport
  • (PHIL 3220) Philosophy of Science
  • (PHIL 3300) Ethics of Peace and War
  • (PHIL 3530) Gods and Chariots
  • (POLS 2010) Comparative Government
  • (POLS 2100) State and Local Government
  • (POLS 3300) Global Politics
  • (SPAN 3300) Spanish for Health Professionals
  • (SPAN 3740) Spanish Culture

Department of Healthcare Sciences(BHS)

  • (BHS 3000) Improving Healthcare through Interprofessional Collaboration
  • (BHS 3100) Current Issues in Health Care
  • (BHS 3101) History of the US Health System
  • (BHS 3110) Health Care Ethics
  • (BHS 3120) Introduction to Epidemiology
  • (BHS. 3140) Health Care Practice
  • (BHS 3150) Principle of Leadership
  • (BHS 3151) Health Services Management
  • (BHS 3155) Conflict Resolution in Health Care
  • (BHS 3160) Health Policy
  • (BHS 3161) Concepts in Health Care Finance
  • (BHS 3170) Health Care Delivery Systems
  • (BHS 3180) Interprofessional Communication
  • (BHS 4000) Cultural Competency in Health Care
  • (BHS 4005) Alternative Medicine
  • (BHS 4001) Individuals with Disabilities and Special Needs
  • (BHS 4009) Sports Medicine: Principles and Practice
  • (BHS 4010) Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
  • (BHS 4011) Bioterrorism: Health Care’s Readiness & Response
  • (BHS 4013) Global Issues in Human Trafficking
  • (BHS. 4020) Topics in Maternal Child Health
  • (BHS 4100) Academic and Professional Writing
  • (BHS 4110) Health Care and Aging
  • (BHS 4140) Independent Capstone Health Science Studies
  • (BHS 4150) The Science of Sound
  • (BHS 3151) Variables of Normal Language Devl.
  • (BHS 4300) Interprofessional Education Seminar

Department of Mathematics(MATH)

  • (MATH 3050) Mathematics and Biology
  • (MATH 4020) Applied Regression Analysis
  • (MATH 4100) Introduction to Topology
  • (MATH 4350) Abstract Algebra I
  • (MATH 4400) Partial Differential Equations
  • (MATH 4450) Basic Probability

Department of Communication, Media, and the Arts(ART, COMM, DANC, MUSC, SPCH, THEA, WRIT)     

  • PRS     2901    Professional Planning
  • ARTS  1000    Art and Society
  • MUSC 1000    Music Through History
  • MUSC 2600    Music Production I
  • THEA 1000    The Theatre Arts
  • ARTS  1000    Art and Society
  • DANC 2101    Dance Laboratory I
  • DANC 2102    Dance Laboratory II
  • DANC 2103    Dance Laboratory III
  • DANC 2104    Dance Laboratory IV
  • MUSC 1000    Music Through History
  • MUSC 1960    Commercial Music Theory
  • MUSC 3301    Ensemble I
  • MUSC 3302    Ensemble II
  • MUSC 3303    Ensemble III
  • MUSC 3304    Ensemble IV
  • MUSC 3305    Ensemble V
  • MUSC 3306    Ensemble VI
  • THEA 1000    The Theatre Arts
  • THEA 1000    The Theatre Arts
  • THEA 2101    Theatre Laboratory I
  • THEA 2102    Theatre Laboratory II
  • THEA 2103    Theatre Laboratory III
  • THEA 2104    Theatre Laboratory IV
  • ARTS  1200    Introduction to Drawing
  • ARTS 1700    Fundamentals of Color
  • ARTS 1800    Two-Dimensional Design
  • ARTS  2410    Graphic Design I
  • ARTS  3100    Painting II
  • COMM           1100A Communication Practicum A
  • COMM           1100B Communication Practicum B
  • COMM           2010    Introduction to Print Journalism
  • COMM           2100    Mass Media
  • COMM           2400    Principles of Advertising
  • COMM           2800    Introduction to Field Video Production
  • COMM           3110    Communication Theory
  • COMM           3300    Multimedia Writing
  • COMM           3820    Sports Reporting and Writing
  • COMM           4950    Internship in Communication
  • DANC 1400    Jazz Dance I
  • DANC 1600    Modern Dance I
  • DANC 2600    Modern Dance II
  • DANC 3550    World Dance
  • MUSC 1200    Piano I
  • MUSC 1300    Beginning Guitar Class
  • MUSC 1500    Beginning Voice
  • MUSC 1960    Commercial Music Theory
  • MUSC 2050    Beginning Applied Instruction
  • MUSC 3050    Intermediate Applied Instruction
  • MUSC 4050    Advanced Applied Instruction
  • MUSC 4100    Composition / MIDI
  • MUSC 4650    Advanced Music Production
  • SPCH 1010    Public Speaking
  • SPCH 1010    Public Speaking
  • THEA 1500    Comedy and Improvisation
  • THEA 2020    Acting I
  • THEA 2020    Acting I
  • THEA 2060    Technical Theatre
  • THEA 3060    Scene Design
  • THEA 2401    Singing Technique
  • THEA 2402    Singing Musicianship
  • THEA 4401    Singing Artistry
  • THEA 4402    Singing Mastery
  • WRIT  2400    Style and Grammar
  • WRIT  2500    Introduction to Creative Writing
  • ARTS  1200    Introduction to Drawing
  • ARTS  1200    Introduction to Drawing
  • ARTS 1200    Introduction to Drawing
  • ARTS 1250    Life Drawing
  • ARTS 2200    Digital Photography
  • ARTS 2200    Digital Photography
  • ARTS 3040    Museum Studies and Gallery Practices
  • ARTS  3650    Typography
  • ARTS 3200    Digital Photographic Design
  • COMM           2040    Public Relations Writing
  • COMM           2500    Introduction to Video Editing
  • COMM           2800    Introduction to Field Video Production
  • COMM           3700    Documentary Film Making
  • COMM           4200    Public Relations Campaigns
  • DANC 1200    Ballet I
  • DANC 1500    Contemporary Dance Techniques
  • DANC 2350    Dance for the Camera
  • MUSC 1000    Music Through History
  • MUSC 1200    Piano I
  • MUSC 1200    Piano I
  • SPCH 2020    Argument and Debate
  • THEA 1000    The Theatre Arts
  • THEA 2025    Performance for Film and Television
  • THEA 2500    Healthcare Theatre
  • ARTS  2200    Digital Photography
  • ARTS  2200    Digital Photography
  • ARTS  2410    Graphic Design I
  • ARTS  2410    Graphic Design I
  • ARTS  2600    Introduction to Arts Administration
  • ARTS  3850    Art History II
  • COMM 3310   Organizational Communication
  • DANC 3200    Dance History
  • MUS 3900    Popular Music in Western Culture
  • SPCH  1010    Public Speaking
  • SPCH  1010    Public Speaking
  • SPCH  1010    Public Speaking
  • SPCH  1010    Public Speaking
  • THEA 3250    Theatre History II
  • WRIT  3150    Business Writing
  • WRIT  3150    Business Writing


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