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Past Announcements
Re-Registration and New Organization Application Now Open! (Apr 1-May 1)
Take the time to register your organization for the upcoming semester!
Congratulations to the 2024 Student Employee and Student Employee Supervisor of the Year!
Congratulations to all the NSU nominees and award recipients for the 2024 Student Employee and Supervisor of the Year award!
Congratulations to the 2024 STUEY’s Winners
We proudly introduce the winners of the 26th Annual Student Life Achievement Awards (most commonly referred to as the STUEY’s).
Rape and Aggression Defense Programs (Apr 10, 11, 17, 18)
Learn basic self-defense tactics and techniques from certified R.A.D. instructors!
Sharks Salvage SSC Series with Win Over Lions
The NSU Sharks baseball team defeats the Saint Leo Lions. They will play against the Embry-Riddle Eagles for the Sunshine State Conference on April 12.
Question Persuade Refer (QPR) Training: Sign up TODAY!
QPR is an emergency response protocol designed to teach you how to help someone in a crisis.
Applying Lean Concepts and Project Management in the Services Industries (Apr 24)
Come learn about how process improvement approaches (including project management) are key to service industry success.
The 26th Annual Student Life Achievement Awards (STUEY’s) (Apr 9)
NSU students, faculty, and staff can pick up their ticket at the Office of Campus Life and Student Engagement located in the Don Taft University Center. Tickets are limited and don’t forget to bring your SharkCard to obtain a ticket!
Earth Day at the MEEC (Apr 13)
The Zeta Rho Omega Chapter host the second annual beach clean-up to show appreciation for Earth Day!