(Thur., , April 9)…Learn how to dress for success at this next workshop hosted by Career Development and find out the difference between…
Author: Kristel Tiwari
Mathematics Colloquium to Discuss Faculty Research
(Wed., April 8)…The latest talk in the Mathematics Colloquium Series will talk will present an inequality for positive operators on Hilbert space…
Center for Psychological Services Professor Gives Multiple Presentations on School Safety and Suicide Awareness and Prevention
Scott Poland, Ph.D., recently presented the keynote address on school safety at the Alaska State Conference for Dare Officers…
Join Discussion of Professional Identity Construction at Faculty Lecture Series—April 9
(Thurs., April 9)…Allison Brimmer, Juliette Kitchens, Claire Lutkewitte, and Molly J. Scanlon will conclude for the semester with a collaborative presentation on…
Broadway Bash to Include Mix of Musical Theatre Hits—Apr. 10
(Fri., April 10)…If you love Broadway tunes, then come on out to the Broadway Bash to enjoy an evening of fresh hits from Heather,…
Annual Exhibition Showcases Students’ Artistic Work
(Feb. 17- April 14)….The exhibition features works created by NSU students who have completed undergraduate art and design courses within the past academic year. Gallery visitors can view works of….
Money Smart Week
(April 21-23)…Interested in knowing how to save money, how the Fed works or how small businesses and banking works? Then join the Alvin Sherman for Money Smart Week and its free to the public. To register for an event…
NSU DCAR student to host a book signing event
(Sun., April 26)…Come to book signing event by Nery Roman as she releases…
Winter 2015 Tools for Success
(Last workshop: April 7)…Fill your tool box with valuable skills at the Winter 2015 Success Series which includes…
Yoga Tea Party
(Wed., April 22)…Come join Fitwell and Phi Sigma Sigma for yoga and tea by the Library Quad from…