This gift will enable young men and women to attend NSU who would not be able to be here without the generosity of the Lafferty family…
Author: Kristel Tiwari
Flight Deck Limited Time Offer
(April 24-30)…Need some good comfort food after your finals, then come to the Flight Deck during their limited time offer of Penne Alla Vodka and Chicken Cordon Bleu from…
Biology Major Honored at 2015 STEM Undergraduate Research Symposium
The symposium showcases the scientific work of South Florida’s science, technology, engineering, and math undergraduate students through student posters and oral presentations…
Dr. H. Thomas Temple Named Senior Vice President of Translational Research and Economic Development at Nova Southeastern University
This new position was created to support the university’s innovative faculty within its colleges, centers and institutes in the development of their ideas, discoveries and technologies…
Meditation & Modern Life
(Tues., April 21)…Adi Suta, DMD, and Carlos Montero, JDPSN, will be the speakers at the discussion on Mediation & Modern Life…
RSA’s Neon Pool Party
(Saturday, April 25)…Come on out to the RSA’s Neon Pool Party for free food, music, and fun competitions all day…
Festival of Student Works Offers Weekend of Free Dance, Theatre Performances
(April 24-26)…This year’s festival marks the ninth annual presentation of Student-Directed One-Acts, a variety of short theatrical scenes and dance showcases will feature…
Undergraduate Students Recognized for Award-Winning Scholarship, Creative Works
Congratulations to the following undergraduate students who earned awards for their work in the following areas…
Meet Your Campus Dining Crew!
Shark Dining is excited to introduce Wayne Travers, Retail Operations Manager for Mid-Campus…
NSU Libraries’ SEA Thursday Take Over
This event was held in conjunction with National Library Week and provided the Libraries with an opportunity to have some fun and showcase the…