We have a few things for you this month and a few dates to save for amazing events coming up!
Author: NSU Student Marketing
ILE – Meaningful Interpersonal Relationships (Apr. 15)
Maximize your leadership skills by learning about these core competencies in a fun and interactive environment!
Sherman’s Golf in the Library – May 19
A unique fun-family event designed to raise funds for the NSU Alvin Sherman Library’s early childhood literacy programs, furnishings, technology and research materials.
Scholarships & Awards Workshops – May 21
Join the Alvin Sherman Library and identify scholarships using Foundation Center resources! Free workshops with an open lab.
Veterans Wellness Fair – June 22
Save the date!
All In For NSU, March 14 and 15
All In For NSU is a 24-hour giving campaign in support of academic programs, scholarships and student activities at Nova Southeastern University.
Fort Myers–Calendar of Events for March
Take a look at the events happening this month!
NSU Recruit a Shark Day
Employers from all industries will be recruiting students.
Career Development Webinar Series – Salary Negotiations, Apr. 16
Planning on networking with professionals or attending a conference in your field?
21st Annual STUEYs – Finalists Announced
Join us on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.