The Department of Humanities and Politics and The Coalition of Immokalee Workers Present:
Farmworker Rights and Fair Food
Have you ever thought about where the food you eat comes from?
Do you know who grows and picks the fruits and vegetables that you eat?
Did you know that on any given day, those fruits and vegetables may have been picked by workers in involuntary servitude?
Join us on Monday, March 28, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, to learn more about the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), a United Nations recognized human rights organization and its partner organization Alliance for Fair Food (AFF).
The CIW is dedicated to end human tracking, modern-day slavery, and other labor abuses, such as gender-based violence, common in agriculture.
*Where: The Mailman Auditorium (second floor Mailman-Hollywood Bldg.)
*Questions? Contact Dr. Yvette Fuentes (