NSU Alvin Sherman Library Online Writing Workshops (Saturdays this summer)

To attend any of these workshops, register online at lib.nova.edu/writers and you will receive an email with a Zoom link prior to the workshop.

Screenwriting Techniques for Novelists with Debbie Reed Fischer

Saturday, July 11, 2-3 pm

Whether you writing a novel or screenplay, using a script format can streamline your plotting and pacing, as well as sharpen character dialogue. DEBBIE REED FISCHER is an award-winning author with Penguin Random House. She primarily writes novels for teens and tweens, and has also contributed to anthologies, magazines, newspapers, TV scripts, and non-fiction books.

Personal Essay Writing Workshop with Writing Class Radio

Saturday, July 18, 2-3 pm

This one-hour workshop is for anyone looking to become a better writer or storyteller or just to figure out where you are. ANDREA ASKOWITZ is the author of the memoir My Miserable, Lonely, Lesbian Pregnancy and the editor of Badass: True Stories, the Double Album. ALLISON LANGER is a private writing coach, teaches memoir writing in prison and has been published in The Washington Post, Mutha Magazine, Scary Mommy, Ravishly, Modern Loss, She‘Said’ and 50GS Magazine.

The Business of Agents and Publishing Houses with Rochelle B. Weinstein

Saturday, July 25, 2-3:30 pm

The who, what, where, why, and how of securing the right agent and securing your path to publishing. ROCHELLE B. WEINSTEIN, author, speaker, and former entertainment industry executive, will share her personal experiences as a published and self-published author, as well as tips and tricks she learned while working in the marketing and promotional sectors.

The Agent Lens with Joyce Sweeney

Saturday, August 8, 2-3:30 pm

JOYCE SWEENEY, who has had a lot of experience with both, will unravel some of the mysteries on these strange, agent creatures and how they make build their client lists and what you can best do to ‘make the cut’. She has written fourteen young adult novels, many of which have won awards and is a literary agent for The Seymour Agency.

Building Author Visibility with Rochelle B. Weinstein

Saturday, August 15, 2-3:30 pm

Learn from a USA Today Bestselling author how to promote your work in an over-crowded market. ROCHELLE B. WEINSTEIN, author, speaker, and former entertainment industry executive, will share her personal experiences as a published and self-published author, as well as tips and tricks she learned while working in the marketing and promotional sectors.

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