Established in 1987 by the Japanese government, the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program provides a unique opportunity for college graduates to help foster internationalization by teaching English in Japan. Experience with Japanese language is not required, nor is there a degree-specific requirement. More information on the JET Program can be found at the official website run by the Japanese Embassy:
As the 2019 application will be opening up in October and closing in November, I will be conducting an information session at Nova Southeastern University this Wednesday, September 26, 2018 from 3:00-4:30 PM. I have attached a flyer with the information for the session. If you could kindly share this with your students, it would be greatly appreciated!
Students in their Senior year (graduating between December 2018 and July 2019) are eligible for this coming cycle, but we welcome students of all levels to come learn about the program.
If you have any questions about the JET Program, kindly address them to