SHARK SPOTLIGHTS: Submit your spotlight TODAY (through September 22), “I’m Proud of my Hispanic Heritage”
- Calling all Tampa Sharks (students, faculty, and staff) who identify as Hispanic or Latino – we want to showcase you and your heritage! If you want to be a part of our SHARK SPOTLIGHTS feature on campus and on the NSU Tampa Facebook Page, please send an e-mail with the following to :
- Your name
- Your academic major/department
- JPEG attachment of a photo of you
- Brief description of your background (What country are you/your family from? What languages are spoken in your home? Etc.)
- Why are you proud of your Hispanic heritage? (1-3 sentences)
Hispanic Heritage Month Trivia Challenge – Ongoing
- Check your e-mails regularly and participate in the trivia challenge for a chance to win gift cards and NSU prizes!
Thursday, September 20: Música y Comida! 12pm – 2pm in the Atrium
- Music, food, dancing – all for FREE! Please remember to bring your Sharkcard to check-in.
Tuesday, October 2: Global Shark Showcase, 4pm – 6pm in the Atrium
- Brought to you by the Diversity & Inclusion Committee and the Tampa SGA: NSU has Sharks from all over the globe! Come learn about some of the countries represented by our local Tampa students, faculty, and staff.
- Food samples, customs, attire, historical facts, performances!
- Call for Participants: If you would like to have a table and represent a country, please e-mail for more information. You would be eligible for $20 in reimbursement for your supplies.
Friday, October 12: Queso Night, 5pm – 6:30pm, Room TBA
- Free nachos, free queso, free fun!