Pines YMCA Aquatic Center was the host for the 2016 Annual South Florida Lifeguard Competition where 14 teams participated in the grueling battery of events. NSU brought two teams to this year’s competition headed up by Head Lifeguards Rialto Heller, Brice Schrenkel, and Trishawn Shim. The NSU lifeguard teams were coached by Adam Caldwell, Assistant Director of Aquatics and Taylor Roby, Coordinator of Aquatic Programs and Services. Both were also judges at the competition.
The eight events consisted of an unconscious submerged victim in deep water, a child spinal accident on a water slide, a chemical burn in the pump room, a diabetic emergency with severe bleeding at a birthday party, a CPR relay, and a relay where each member had to swim 25 yards with 10lb rubber weight. The NSU guards performed well under the challenging circumstances, attributed mostly to the numerous hours of monthly in-service trainings to keep the NSU pools and patrons safe.