Microsoft Clutter for Office 365


Microsoft will begin implementing Exchange Online Clutter between June 15, 2015 and June 30, 2015. This tool will provide a layer of filtering to extract email that is not quite spam but which may not be useful either. Clutter is defined as messages with a lower priority which maybe a distraction, such as the reply-all response to a message that was sent to a group of recipients.

How does Clutter work?

A new folder named Clutter is automatically created in your email, and this is managed the same, regardless of how you access your email (via the Web or Exchange).  Clutter then learns through your actions messages you are likely to ignore and moves these less important messages to the folder. This then makes your inbox more streamlined with the messages you typically read. Clutter will not delete any email it collects. You will need to manage this just like your other folders. If Clutter filters a message that you want to stay in your inbox, you have the ability to move the message back to the inbox. Through these actions Clutter will now learn that it can make strong predictions of your work style.

Please visit the Microsoft Blog page at   to learn more. If you have any questions please contact the NSU Help Desk at 954-262-4357, 800-541-6682 xt.24357 or by email at

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