Officials from the Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program Shared Information with Summer Campers at NSU’s Mailman Segal Center.
Since its inception, Nova Southeastern University has been administering the Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program. Each morning, from March through October, staff scour the nearly 26 miles of beaches in Broward County looking for sea turtle nests. When the find one, the will record all sorts of data, rope the area off and then wait for the baby turtles to hatch. If they find a nest that has hatched, they’ll count up the egg casings to see how many babies there were and if any stragglers remain, collect them for the day and the release them at night – giving them a helping hand on their life’s journey.
Part of the efforts of the program are presentations made to the community. “Turtle Talks” are an interactive presentation that discusses general sea turtle information, threats, conservation, and what our researchers, scientists and NSU students do out in the field.
Recently the program made a stop at NSU’s Mailman Segal Center, where information was shared with the summer camp participants. Staff provided a PowerPoint presentation as well as items the little campers could touch – such as sea turtle specimens (shells, skulls, etc.) and an egg chamber cast. The goal of the “Turtle Talks” is to bring awareness to Broward County’s sea turtles, what we can do to help sea turtles, and to better understand what the program staff does as marine biologists.
Anyone interested in having a “Turtle Talk” can contact Jessica Novy, the Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program assistant manager/outreach coordinator, via e-mail at or You can learn more about the program online HERE.